Friday, 30 November 2007

New Partnerships, Supporters, Sponsors

The news in short.

1. AfrodeviA - Music4Change is partnering with Maxi Media in Abuja, Deji Falope's new media outfit, in running a project with NACA, under the name of Maxi Media while our registration is processing.

2. We have an office address in Abuja.

3. We have received some start-up funding from an unlikely source - Unicem, the Cement people. Thanks guys.

4. We have a presentation meeting with our first major sponsor scheduled for Tues/Wed next week. As expected, once we talk to the right people, they jump on the idea.

5. We also have a major well-wisher in Abuja who is offering help with everything.

6. My beautiful Sony Vaio laptop has packed in. It is entirely dead.

7. I've quit my day job.

Let's praise the Lord. I am off on a retreat until Sunday - worst possible timing but when it's time to reconnect, it is time to reconnect.

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